Sunday, July 8, 2012


Have you ever been so in love that it left you bleeding on the floor? Well, I have been. Am I bitter? Absolutely. I am hurt. Of course, who wouldn't get hurt after a rejection. Who wouldn't want to push a person in a railroad when someone rejected you? Whenever I see a couple walking around holding hands and doing that PDA thing, I just have this urge to stab them to death. Yes, for sometimes I am a psychopath. Whenever I hear a love song, it's as if my ears want to explode and all I could emit are negative vibes. But I am not here to discuss about bitterness that love brought me.
Recently, being "friend zone" has been a trend. But tracing back to it's roots, friend zone originated from the sitcom friends aired in 1994. Friend zone is a pop culture that has a one sided love. The person is in love with the other, while the other person does not love that person back. It's pretty entertaining when it becomes a meme but it's pitiful once it is applied in someone's life - like mine. Here is a sample of how being friend zoned works:

"I don't know how to put it."

For me, I believe that other girls friend zone guys because they still has benefits with them. But for some, they friend zone them because it is the only kind of love they can give - love for friends. But be grateful if you were friend zoned. Because they still want to have a relationship with you - that is only friends. Some has been zoned in a different dimension.

The most common "other zone" is brother zone:

Cousin zone:

Mom zone (for girls):

Momo Zone?!?!?!
"I can't even.. -__- "

Other Zone:
"That does it, I'm leaving."

Others say that if you were put in the friend zone, you can never get out. We'll I guess if we have the courage to break through that zone, we can break free. Or, we just have to move on and be contented. Remember that nobody dies a virgin because life fucks us all. These things are only part of what we encounter half way through comfort. We will meet a lot of persons, experience all kinds of things and be happy with our lives. We are still young so we should not give up. But just in case we got friend zone again, we should do this:

"Lol. I'm just kidding. Don't ever do that."

And here is a bonus video of a friend zone song: